
Newly Proposed Scotland Motorhome Tax - Should Tourists Pay?

Scotland is a beautiful country with countless attractions and a rich cultural heritage. It’s no surprise then that the country attracts a large number of tourists every year, including an increasing number of motorhome and campervan owners. However, a recent proposal by the Highland Council has caused controversy by suggesting that motorhome owners should pay a tourist tax, just like those staying in hotels and B&Bs on holiday. As a motorhome holiday goer, whether you own or partake in motorhome rental, you may be wondering whether this is a fair proposal, and what impact it might have on your travels.


The Visitor Levy Bill



The Visitor Levy Bill is currently being consulted on by the Scottish Government, proposed by the Highland Council, and if passed, could see visitors to the country driving motorhomes and campervans being charged a tax. This tourist levy is not a new concept, as other countries including Austria, Bhutan, Belgium, Croatia, and parts of France already have similar taxes in place. These taxes are used to pay for the maintenance and infrastructure of popular tourist destinations, and the revenue generated from these taxes is given to the local authority.


“Right To Roam” Legislation


Many motorhome owners believe that they have additional access rights due to Scottish “Right To Roam” legislation. However, stopping overnight in a motorhome is not considered “wild camping”, and vehicle owners cannot park up wherever they please. Instead, people travelling can only park their vehicles in designated laybys or car parks overnight, as long as they do not put up chairs, tables, or cooking facilities outside their cars. This is in line with the Road Traffic Act, and failing to adhere to these rules can result in a fine.


Code of Conduct for Motorhome Drivers



Former SNP leader in Westminster, Ian Blackford, has previously called for a code of conduct for motorhome drivers, suggesting a ban on convoys to address concerns around the impact of motorhomes on local communities. Councillor Ian Brown of Inverness and the surrounding areas has said that while the proposal is in its early stages, it could help regulate the sometimes anti-social behaviour of motorhome tourists and prevent damage to roads, over tourism and more. However, this proposal has been met with opposition by many motorhome owners who feel that they are being unfairly targeted.


Is Scotland’s Motorhome Tax Fair on Tourists?




As a motorhome owner, you may be wondering whether it is fair to impose a tax on those who travel in motorhomes. It is important to consider that motorhome drivers do use the roads, and may have an impact on local communities in terms of wear and tear, noise pollution and general annoyance. On the other hand, it could be said that motorhome owners already pay for their accommodation and do not use the same resources as those staying in hotels or B&Bs. Ultimately, the decision will come down to the Scottish Government's consultation process and feedback from relevant stakeholders.


One additional aspect to consider in the debate over the proposed motorhome tax in Scotland is the potential for this tax to influence the behaviour and choices of motorhome travellers. Taxation has often been used as a tool to shape consumer behaviour and promote certain types of tourism. In this case, implementing a tax on motorhome owners could encourage them to make different travel decisions.


For instance, some motorhome enthusiasts may decide to avoid areas where the tax is imposed, opting for destinations where such fees do not apply. This shift in travel patterns could lead to the redistribution of tourists across different regions of Scotland, potentially alleviating the issue of over-tourism in popular areas while encouraging exploration of less-visited, yet equally beautiful, regions.




On the other hand, some motorhome owners might choose to spend less time in Scotland or reduce the frequency of their visits due to the added financial burden of the tax. This could have economic implications for businesses that rely on motorhome tourism, such as campsites, restaurants, and local shops, in areas affected by the tax.


In essence, the introduction of a motorhome tax could serve as a mechanism to shape the tourism landscape in Scotland, impacting both the flow of tourists and the economic dynamics of various regions. While this may be viewed as a positive step by some who seek to manage tourism sustainability, it could also pose challenges for businesses and communities reliant on motorhome tourism. Balancing these considerations will be crucial in determining the ultimate fairness and effectiveness of the proposed tax.


Final Thoughts


In conclusion, the proposal to impose a tourist tax on motorhome visitors in Scotland is a contentious issue. While the tax could help to generate revenue for local authority areas and address concerns around damage to roads, it has also been met with opposition by motorhome owners who feel that they are being unfairly targeted. As the Scottish Government continues to consult on the Visitor Levy Bill and the Scottish Outdoor Access Code, it is important for motorhome owners to stay informed and engaged with the process to ensure their voices are heard. After all, Scotland is a beautiful country that should be enjoyed by all, including motorhome and campervan owners.