Interview with Auto Sleepers at The Caravan and Motorhome Show

During our visit to the NEC for The Caravan and Motorhome Show this year, we were lucky enough to carve out some time to chat with Spencer from Auto-Sleepers, and we were even luckier to be invited into some of their motorhomes.
Q: Tell me a little bit about what really sets you apart from the rest of the market.
A: So, I think most people attire with Mercedes, and the reason we’ve gone to Mercedes is the driving experience. It drives like a car. It really does. It's one of the best selling factors. It’s got the MBUX system in there, full entertainment. It is truly a great drive and that's the big USP on this vehicle. I think that combined with this wonderful living space that's behind us over here absolutely makes it an event for everybody. This is the best selling layout in campervans anyway. So, it's a no brainer to go down this route. The advantages we've got with this, is that you can have either one huge bed or two single beds but, it's comfortable living. It really is luxury level living.
Q: You’re very confident and excited to get this out to everybody.
A: The van’s been busy all the time. People are just coming to see it and we’re getting lots of positive reaction. I know it may be out of the price range of a lot of people but, they're still very interested to see what what this sort of price buys you.
Q: Auto Sleepers has been a company for years and years and years. There's trust there and they're known for innovation but, I think it's only when you come inside something like one of these coaches that you really see just how luxurious and comfortable it is. Is that something that people are still looking for, in your opinion?
A: Absolutely! I think people are looking for that fit and finish, the quality of the fittings that we use like handles, solidness of doors. Things like that you know?
Q: The plushness of the couches
A: I mean you know the the shopping list is long generally. People take a long time to make that decision to finally cross the bridge and actually put the money down on the vehicle. So, it's important that they get what they want. For practically everybody it is such a big investment. It’s the same level and the same importance as picking a house, picking a property.
Q: For a lot of people, as you know, they'll switch over and they'll spend more of their time in here than they will have in their brick and mortar homes. I think that's why Auto Sleepers is someone that we're really proud to work with, because that level of trust is there yeah. That heritage brand. That recognition around the name. It's somewhere people can go and feel very confident spending their money with.
A: We do retain our owners. They buy multiple vehicles over many years. We enjoy that support and that loyalty and we want to keep delivering that.
Q: Absolutely. Spencer, thank you so much! Have you seen anything else at the NEC show that's made you excited?
A: We had a flapjack! Not really. I've not really had chance to get around the show as usual because we're so busy here. I guess some of our group products next door with the Benivan. That's been really popular, great price point and I know that's had a lot of people through, so that's really good. I believe there's a couple of new things that I am gonna venture and see when I can.
Q: Fantastic, Spencer. Thank you again! Really appreciate your time.
A: Thank you.
As a manufacturer or luxury motorhomes and campvervans, Auto-Sleeper lead the way in terms of quality and comfortability within the industry. We can't wait for more shows with them and more opportuinties get inside one of their builds again!